Pneus Metro Inc. Address and Coordinates: 6750 Léger [Corner Albert-Hudon] Montreal, Québec, H1G 1L5 Canada Telephone:
1-514-328-4222 Toll-Free:
1-888-685-4222 Fax:
1-514-328-7930 Click this link to open Google Maps in an external window.
Pneus Metro Inc. Commercial Trucking Services - 2nd Location 3500 Galt West Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 5G9 Canada Telephone: 1-819-564-7638 Toll-Free: 1-866-550-7638 Fax:
1-819-564-9436 Click this link to open Google Maps in an external window.
Pneus Metro Inc. - 3rd Location 6205 Boul. Wilfrid Hamel West L’Ancienne-Lorette, Québec, G2E 5G8 Canada Telephone: 1-418-907-9702 Fax:
1-418-914-6180 Click this link to open Google Maps in an external window.